Math random

The Magento\Framework\Math\Random library provides the ability to generate random values and hashes.


Generates a random string with a given string length and an optional character pool. Without the optional character pool, it uses both cases of the English alphabet and all digits.
Generates a random number with an optional range. The range defaults to 0 as minimum and the result of the PHP function mt_getrandmax as the maximum.
Generates a unique hash string with an optional prefix.


In the examples below, the $this->mathRandom property is an instantiated object of the Magento\Framework\Math\Random class.

Generate a random string

This example shows how to generate a random string of length 99, with the default character pool.

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Generate a random number

This example shows how to generate a random number between 0 and 9999.

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$this->mathRandom->getRandomNumber(0, 9999);

Generate a random number

This example shows how to generate a unique hash string with a prefix.

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