Response Handler

Response Handler is a component of the Adobe Commerce payment provider gateway, that processes payment provider responses.

Typically, the response requires one of the following actions:

  • Modify the order status

  • Save information that was provided in a transaction response

  • Send an email

The response handler only modifies the order state, based on the payment gateway response. It does not perform any other required actions.


Basic interface for a response handler is Magento\Payment\Gateway\Response\HandlerInterface

Useful implementations

\Magento\Payment\Gateway\Response\HandlerChain might be used as a basic container of response handlers, handling different parts.


Example of a simple response handler (app/code/Magento/Braintree/Gateway/Response/PayPalDetailsHandler.php):

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class PayPalDetailsHandler implements HandlerInterface
const PAYMENT_ID = 'paymentId';
const PAYER_EMAIL = 'payerEmail';
* @var SubjectReader
private $subjectReader;
* Constructor
* @param SubjectReader $subjectReader
public function __construct(SubjectReader $subjectReader)
$this->subjectReader = $subjectReader;
* @inheritdoc
public function handle(array $handlingSubject, array $response)
$paymentDO = $this->subjectReader->readPayment($handlingSubject);
/** @var \Braintree\Transaction $transaction */
$transaction = $this->subjectReader->readTransaction($response);
/** @var OrderPaymentInterface $payment */
$payment = $paymentDO->getPayment();
$payPal = $this->subjectReader->readPayPal($transaction);
$payment->setAdditionalInformation(self::PAYMENT_ID, $payPal[self::PAYMENT_ID]);
$payment->setAdditionalInformation(self::PAYER_EMAIL, $payPal[self::PAYER_EMAIL]);

(The code sample is from Magento Open Source v2.1. Although the payment provider gateway was added in v2.0, the particular default implementation using the gateway were added in v2.1).