The Payment Provider Gateway documentation uses the Magento 2.3 (now Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source) of the Braintree module as a reference application. The Braintree module was removed in version 2.4.0. The concepts described in this guide are still applicable to version 2.4.x, but the code samples are not supported.
Add vault to module dependencies
You need to add dependencies on the Magento_Vault module in the payment method's composer.json
and module.xml
Example: adding Vault module dependencies for the Braintree payment method
Copied to your clipboard{"name": "magento/module-braintree",..."require": {..."magento/module-vault": "100.1.*"...}...}
Copied to your clipboard<config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:Module/etc/module.xsd"><module name="Magento_Braintree" setup_version="2.0.0"><sequence>...<module name="Magento_Vault"/>...</sequence></module></config>