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Data re-encryption

Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source provide functionality to re-encrypt certain encrypted system configuration, payment fields, and custom fields. These operations may be necessary after rotating an encryption key.

Default re-encryptors

The default re-encryption configuration provides two re-encryptors:

  • System configuration fieldsMagento\Config\Model\Data\ReEncryptorList\CoreConfigDataReEncryptor
  • Payment fieldsMagento\Sales\Model\Data\ReEncryptorList\SalesOrderPaymentReEncryptor

You can use the following command to run both re-encryptors after rotating an encryption key.

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bin/magento encryption:data:re-encrypt core_config_data sales_order_payment

Re-encrypting specific table columns

The Magento\EncryptionKey\Model\Data\ReEncryptorList\ReEncryptor\SimpleHandler class serves as a base for re-encryptors that simply tries to re-encrypt specific columns in a database table.

Follow these steps to re-encrypt specific columns in your tables and add a custom re-encryptor:

  1. Create a virtual type handler for the Magento\EncryptionKey\Model\Data\ReEncryptorList\ReEncryptor\SimpleHandler class and provide the table name, primary key, and columns to encrypt as constructor arguments.

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    <virtualType name="Vendor\MyModule\Model\Data\ReEncryptorList\MyCustomPaymentEncryptor\Handler" type="Magento\EncryptionKey\Model\Data\ReEncryptorList\ReEncryptor\SimpleHandler">
    <argument name="tableName" xsi:type="string">my_custom_payment_table</argument>
    <argument name="identifierField" xsi:type="string">entity_id</argument>
    <argument name="fieldsToReEncrypt" xsi:type="array">
    <item name="cc_number_enc" xsi:type="string">cc_number_enc</item>
  2. Create a virtual type for the Magento\EncryptionKey\Model\Data\ReEncryptorList\ReEncryptor class and inject the handler created in the previous step as a constructor argument.

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    <virtualType name="Vendor\MyModule\Model\Data\ReEncryptorList\MyCustomPaymentReEncryptor" type="Magento\EncryptionKey\Model\Data\ReEncryptorList\ReEncryptor">
    <argument name="description" xsi:type="string">Re-encrypts 'cc_number_enc' column in the 'my_custom_payment_table' DB table.</argument>
    <argument name="handler" xsi:type="object">Vendor\MyModule\Model\Data\ReEncryptorList\MyCustomPaymentEncryptor\Handler</argument>
  3. Add the re-encryptor that you created in the previous step to the Magento\EncryptionKey\Model\Data\ReEncryptorList class.

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    <type name="Magento\EncryptionKey\Model\Data\ReEncryptorList">
    <argument name="reEncryptors" xsi:type="array">
    <item name="my_custom_payment_reencryptor" xsi:type="object">Vendor\MyModule\Model\Data\ReEncryptorList\MyCustomPaymentReEncryptor</item>

You can run the following command to test that the newly created re-encryptor shows up in the list of available encryptors and whether there were any errors.

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bin/magento encryption:data:list-re-encryptors

If the previous step was successful, you can run the following command to re-encrypt specific columns in your database table using the re-encryptor.

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bin/magento encryption:data:re-encrypt my_custom_payment_reencryptor
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