createVaultCardSetupToken mutation
This mutation is available only if you have installed Payment Services for Adobe Commerce 2.10.0 or higher.
The createVaultCardSetupToken
mutation creates a temporary setup_token
associated to the given payment source.
Use this token to create a permanent token with the createVaultCardPaymentToken
mutation. The permanent token represents a payment method that is saved to the customer's vault.
The setup token is generated with an empty card number in the payment_source
object purposefully. The PayPal SDK, in conjunction with hosted fields or credit cards field components, securely update the setup token with payment details.
See Paypal SDK developer documentation for more information.
Copied to your clipboardmutation {createVaultCardSetupToken(input: CreateVaultCardSetupTokenInput!) CreateVaultCardSetupTokenOutput}
Example usage
The following example runs the createVaultCardSetupToken
mutation to create a setup token for the given payment details.
Copied to your clipboardmutation {createVaultCardSetupToken(input: {setup_token: {payment_source: {card: {name: "John Doe",billing_address: {address_line_1: "123 Main Street",address_line_2: "Apt 4B",region: "California",city: "San Jose",postal_code: "90001",country_code: "US"}}}},three_ds_mode: SCA_ALWAYS}) {setup_token}}
Copied to your clipboard{"data": {"createVaultCardSetupToken": {"setup_token": "11M29729J2618171X"}}}
Input attributes
The CreateVaultCardSetupTokenInput
object must contain the following attributes:
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
setup_token | VaultSetupTokenInput! | The setup token information |
three_ds_mode | ThreeDSMode | Indicates which 3D Secure authentication mode is in use. The possible values are OFF , SCA_ALWAYS , SCA_WHEN_REQUIRED |
enum values
Value | Description |
OFF | No 3D Secure authentication mode is in use |
SCA_ALWAYS | Triggers 3D Secure authentication for every transaction, regardless of any SCA requirements |
SCA_WHEN_REQUIRED | Returns a 3D Secure authentication when it is a mandate in the region where you operate. This is the default value |
The VaultSetupTokenInput
object describes the variables needed to create a vault card setup token. Requires the following attribute:
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
payment_source | PaymentSourceInput! | The payment source of the payment method. |
The PaymentSourceInput
object describes the payment source information of the payment method.
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
card | CardPaymentSourceInput! | The card payment source information. |
The CardPaymentSourceInput
object describes the card payment source information.
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
billing_address | BillingAddressPaymentSourceInput! | The billing address of the card |
name | String! | The cardholder's name |
The BillingAddressPaymentSourceInput
object includes the billing address information
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
address_line_1 | String | The first line of the address |
address_line_2 | String | The second line of the address |
region | String | The region of the address |
city | String | The city of the address |
postal_code | String | The postal code of the address |
country_code | String! | The country code of the address |
Output attributes
The createVaultCardSetupTokenOutput
object contains the following attribute:
Attribute | Data Type | Description |
setup_token | String! | The setup token ID |