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Payment Services Vault payment method

The Payment Services Vault payment method is a method of storing a transaction in which shoppers can save—or "vault"—their credit card credentials during checkout to use in a later purchase.

The following conditions must be true to use this payment method:

  • The customer must be logged-in.

  • The customer must have previously saved their payment information in the vault.

You cannot use this payment method if the customer decides to use a credit or debit card that is not stored in the vault.

Payment Services Vault workflow

The following diagram shows the workflow for placing an order when Payment Services Vault is the selected payment method.

Payment Services Vault sequence diagram

  1. Use the customerPaymentTokens query to retrieve the payment tokens the customer stored in the vault.

  2. Commerce returns an array of payment tokens.

  3. The client integration renders the token information, and the customer selects a payment method.

    When the customer selects a stored payment method, the client integration uses the setPaymentMethodOnCart mutation to set the payment method to payment_services_paypal_vault.

  4. Commerce returns a Cart object.

  5. Run placeOrder.

  6. Commerce sends an authorization request to PayPal.

  7. PayPal returns the result to Commerce.

  8. Commerce creates an order.

Additional Payment information

When you set the payment method to Payment Services Vault in the setPaymentMethodOnCart mutation, you must supply a value for the public_hash field. Run the customerPaymentTokens query to retrieve the value.

This public_hash comes from the customerPaymentTokens query.

payment_services_paypal_vault attributes

The setPaymentMethodOnCart mutation has a payment_services_paypal_vault object that contains the following attributes:

AttributeData TypeDescription
The unique order ID generated in Commerce if Payment Services is enabled after PayPal returns the paypal_order_id
The unique order ID generated by PayPal when receiving the authorization request
The identifiable payment source for the payment method. The possible values are credit card, PayPal, and Apple Pay
The public hash of the payment token

Example usage

The following example shows the setPaymentMethodOnCart mutation constructed for the Payment Services Vault payment method.


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mutation {
setPaymentMethodOnCart ( input: {
cart_id: "uocGxUi5H97XFAMhY3s66q4aFYG3Bmdr",
payment_method: {
code: "payment_services_paypal_vault",
payment_services_paypal_vault: {
payment_source: "vault",
payments_order_id: "mp-order-a4babd34-13d3-4ac0-b1b0-109bb7be1574",
paypal_order_id: "9R90936863877801D",
public_hash: "shew83bdbd83y2bdjbwb2ib2ds"
) {
cart {
selected_payment_method {


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"data": {
"setPaymentMethodOnCart": {
"cart": {
"id": "r8TKHa58b7Y8VaZHLyABNxrEdS8hJJTZ",
"selected_payment_method": {
"code": "payment_services_paypal_vault"
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