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removeNegotiableQuoteItems mutation
The removeNegotiableQuoteItems
mutation removes the specified products from a negotiable quote.
Removing the last product from a negotiable quote causes the quote to be in a terminal state. You cannot add products to the quote, nor can you modify the quantity of any items. You can only close or delete the quote.
This mutation requires a valid customer authentication token.
Copied to your clipboardremoveNegotiableQuoteItems(input: RemoveNegotiableQuoteItemsInput!): RemoveNegotiableQuoteItemsOutput
The removeNegotiableQuoteItems
reference provides detailed information about the types and fields defined in this mutation.
Example usage
The following example removes a product from a negotiable quote.
Copied to your clipboardmutation {removeNegotiableQuoteItems(input: {quote_uid: "xCA4wSZEHsb5QbFiKfoq5k1Dk8vIPBgb"quote_item_uids: ["MTc="]}) {quote {uidnameupdated_atitems {uidproduct {uidskuname}quantityprices {price {value}}}}}}
Copied to your clipboard{"data": {"removeNegotiableQuoteItems": {"quote": {"uid": "xCA4wSZEHsb5QbFiKfoq5k1Dk8vIPBgb","name": "April 22 request","updated_at": "2021-04-23 18:21:44","items": [{"uid": "MTU=","product": {"uid": "MjA=","sku": "24-UG01","name": "Quest Lumaflex™ Band"},"quantity": 7,"prices": {"price": {"value": 19}}},{"uid": "MTY=","product": {"uid": "MTg=","sku": "24-UG02","name": "Pursuit Lumaflex™ Tone Band"},"quantity": 8,"prices": {"price": {"value": 16}}}]}}}}