requestNegotiableQuote mutation
The requestNegotiableQuote
mutation initiates a negotiable quote on behalf of a company user. The company user must add all products to the cart before requesting a negotiable quote. Once the request is submitted, company users cannot add new products to the quote.
If the request is successful, the application assigns the cart ID to the negotiable quote. Therefore, the same cart ID is used throughout the lifecycle of the negotiable quote. The application generates a new cart ID if the company user starts a new order while a negotiable quote is in process. The cart ID must be active. You cannot create a negotiable quote if the quote is cancelled or converted to an order.
If the request is successful, the negotiable quote has the SUBMITTED status.
If the negotiable quote requires a shipping address (for negotiation or tax calculations), you can use the setNegotiableQuoteShippingAddresses
mutation to add the address to the standard quote during the negotiable quote process.
This mutation requires a valid customer authentication token.
Copied to your clipboardrequestNegotiableQuote(input: RequestNegotiableQuoteInput!): RequestNegotiableQuoteOutput
The requestNegotiableQuote
reference provides detailed information about the types and fields defined in this mutation.
Example usage
The following example requests a negotiable quote. The cart contains three items.
Copied to your clipboardmutation {requestNegotiableQuote (input: {cart_id: "kw6mLEvl6vjjPNsjtJqwpamv5o0iT1bc"quote_name: "Discount request"comment: {comment: "Requesting a 10% discount for being a repeat customer."}}){quote {uidcreated_atstatusbuyer {firstnamelastname}comments {uidcreated_atauthor {firstnamelastname}creator_typetext}items {product {uidskunameprice_range {maximum_price {regular_price {value}}}}quantity}prices {subtotal_excluding_tax {value}subtotal_including_tax {value}subtotal_with_discount_excluding_tax {value}grand_total {value}}}}}
Copied to your clipboard{"data": {"requestNegotiableQuote": {"quote": {"uid": "kw6mLEvl6vjjPNsjtJqwpamv5o0iT1bc","created_at": "2021-04-20 19:01:38","status": "SUBMITTED","buyer": {"firstname": "Taina","lastname": "Garofalo"},"comments": [{"uid": "MQ==","created_at": "2021-04-20 19:57:49","author": {"firstname": "Taina","lastname": "Garofalo"},"creator_type": "BUYER","text": "Requesting a 10% discount for being a repeat customer."}],"items": [{"product": {"uid": "MTY=","sku": "24-UG07","name": "Dual Handle Cardio Ball","price_range": {"maximum_price": {"regular_price": {"value": 12}}}},"quantity": 1},{"product": {"uid": "NTI=","sku": "24-WG080","name": "Sprite Yoga Companion Kit","price_range": {"maximum_price": {"regular_price": {"value": 77}}}},"quantity": 1},{"product": {"uid": "MTc=","sku": "24-UG04","name": "Zing Jump Rope","price_range": {"maximum_price": {"regular_price": {"value": 12}}}},"quantity": 1}],"prices": {"subtotal_excluding_tax": {"value": 101},"subtotal_including_tax": {"value": 101},"subtotal_with_discount_excluding_tax": {"value": 101},"grand_total": {"value": 101}}}}}}