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deletePurchaseOrderApprovalRule mutation
The deletePurchaseOrderApprovalRule
mutation deletes one or more purchase order approval rules.
You can use the customer
query to retrieve the uid
value of the approval rule.
If the mutation is successful, it returns null. Otherwise, the response contains details about any errors encountered.
Copied to your clipboardmutation {deletePurchaseOrderApprovalRule(input: DeletePurchaseOrderApprovalRuleInput!) {DeletePurchaseOrderApprovalRuleOutput}}
The deletePurchaseOrderApprovalRule
reference provides detailed information about the types and fields defined in this mutation.
A valid customer authentication token is required.
Example usage
The following example deletes the purchase order approval rule.
Copied to your clipboardmutation {deletePurchaseOrderApprovalRule(input: {approval_rule_uids: ["Mg=="]}) {errors {messagetype}}}
Copied to your clipboard{"data": {"deletePurchaseOrderApprovalRule": {"errors": []}}}