estimateTotals mutation
The estimateTotals
mutation returns information about estimated total cost of items in cart, including taxes.
Copied to your clipboardmutation {estimateTotals(input: EstimateTotalsInput!){EstimateTotalsOutput!}}
The estimateTotals
reference provides detailed information about the types and fields defined in this mutation.
Example usage
In the following example, the customer located in Republic of Ireland wants to check the total estimated cost of the cart (IJGaHxS7p6u5Nu7tQIGQpADRXSoZRbJw
). The cart contains two products with the price of 99.00 Euro each,
and the applied tax amount configured for Republic of Ireland is 10%:
Copied to your clipboardmutation {estimateTotals(input: {cart_id: "IJGaHxS7p6u5Nu7tQIGQpADRXSoZRbJw",address: {country_code: IE},shipping_method: {carrier_code: "CARRIER",method_code: "example_method_code"}}) {cart {prices {grand_total {valuecurrency}applied_taxes {amount {valuecurrency}}}}}}
The response contains the calculated total cost based on the selected location and shipping method:
Copied to your clipboard{"data": {"estimateTotals": {"cart": {"prices": {"grand_total": {"value": 217.8,"currency": "EUR"},"applied_taxes": [{"amount": {"value": 19.8,"currency": "EUR"}}]}}}}}