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copyProductsBetweenWishlists mutation
The copyProductsBetweenWishlists
mutation copies the specified quantities of one or more products to a different wish list. The original wish list is unchanged.
Use the customer
query to return a list of wish list IDs and item IDs.
This mutation requires a valid customer authentication token.
Copied to your clipboardmutation {copyProductsBetweenWishlists(sourceWishlistUid: ID!,destinationWishlistUid: ID!,wishlistItems: [WishlistItemCopyInput!]!){CopyProductsBetweenWishlistsOutput}}
The copyProductsBetweenWishlists
reference provides detailed information about the types and fields defined in this mutation.
Example usage
The following example copies two items to another wish list.
Copied to your clipboardmutation{copyProductsBetweenWishlists(sourceWishlistUid: 1, destinationWishlistUid: 2, wishlistItems: [{wishlist_item_id: 6quantity: 1}{wishlist_item_id: 7quantity: 1}]){destination_wishlist {iditems_v2 {items {idproduct {uidskuname}}}}user_errors {codemessage}}}
Copied to your clipboard{"data": {"copyProductsBetweenWishlists": {"destination_wishlist": {"id": "2","items_v2": {"items": [{"id": "8","product": {"uid": "NDk=","sku": "240-LV08","name": "Advanced Pilates & Yoga (Strength)"}},{"id": "9","product": {"uid": "MTg=","sku": "24-UG02","name": "Pursuit Lumaflex™ Tone Band"}},{"id": "10","product": {"uid": "MTQ1MA==","sku": "WS04","name": "Layla Tee"}},{"id": "11","product": {"uid": "MTU2Mg==","sku": "WS12","name": "Radiant Tee"}},{"id": "12","product": {"uid": "MTYxMA==","sku": "WB01","name": "Electra Bra Top"}},{"id": "13","product": {"uid": "MTY0Mg==","sku": "WB03","name": "Celeste Sports Bra"}},{"id": "15","product": {"uid": "MTcyMg==","sku": "WT03","name": "Nora Practice Tank"}},{"id": "16","product": {"uid": "MTY5MA==","sku": "WT01","name": "Bella Tank"}}]}},"user_errors": []}}}