Step 7. Apply a coupon

Use applyCouponToCart to apply a discount coupon to the specified cart_id.

{ CART_ID } is the unique shopping cart ID from Step 2. Create empty cart.

{ COUPON_CODE } is an existing coupon code. It cannot be generated with GraphQL.

Create a coupon

Coupons must be generated from the Admin.

Creating a coupon is described in Coupon Codes. For the purpose of this tutorial, create a Cart Price Rule with:

For Rule Information:

  • Rule Name: Watch Coupon
  • Active: Yes
  • Websites: Main Website
  • Customer Groups: Select all of them
  • Coupon: Specific Coupon
  • Coupon Code: Watch20
  • Uses per Coupon: 5
  • Uses per Customer: 5

For Actions

  • Apply: Percent of product price discount
  • Discount Amount: 20

Save this rule. The Coupon Code value is the name of the coupon the end user enters. To verify the coupon works, create an order with a product using guest checkout. When checking out, enter Watch20 in the Apply Discount Code field and press the Apply Discount button. The discount should be applied in the cart.

When the coupon is set up, we can apply it via GraphQL. Replace the { CART_ID } with your generated ID and replace the { COUPON_CODE } with Watch20 below.

For logged-in customers, send the customer's authorization token in the Authorization parameter of the header. See Authorization tokens for more information.


Copied to your clipboard
mutation {
input: {
cart_id: "{ CART_ID }"
coupon_code: "{ COUPON_CODE }"
) {
cart {
applied_coupons {


Copied to your clipboard
"data": {
"applyCouponToCart": {
"cart": {
"applied_coupons": [
"code": "Watch20"

Verify this step

  1. Sign in as a customer to the website using the email and password b1b2b3l@w+.

  2. Go to Checkout.

  3. The discount is displayed in the Order Summary block.

Remove a coupon

Use removeCouponFromCart to remove a discount coupon from the shopping cart.


Copied to your clipboard
mutation {
removeCouponFromCart(input: { cart_id: "{ CART_ID }" }) {
cart {
applied_coupons {


Copied to your clipboard
"data": {
"removeCouponFromCart": {
"cart": {
"applied_coupons": {
"applied_coupon": null