Step 6. Set the delivery method

The setShippingMethodsOnCart mutation defines the delivery methods for your order. It requires these input parameters:

  • cart_id
  • carrier_code
  • method_code

{ CART_ID } is the unique shopping cart ID from Step 2. Create empty cart.

The carrier_code and method_code values come from the response of the setShippingAddressesOnCart mutation on the Set the shipping address step.

For logged-in customers, send the customer's authorization token in the Authorization parameter of the header. See Authorization tokens for more information.


The following mutation assigns Table Rate method.

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mutation {
setShippingMethodsOnCart(input: {
cart_id: "{ CART_ID }"
shipping_methods: [
carrier_code: "tablerate"
method_code: "bestway"
}) {
cart {
shipping_addresses {
selected_shipping_method {


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"data": {
"setShippingMethodsOnCart": {
"cart": {
"shipping_addresses": [
"selected_shipping_method": {
"carrier_code": "tablerate",
"method_code": "bestway",
"carrier_title": "Best Way",
"method_title": "Table Rate"

Verify this step

  1. Sign in as a customer to the website using the email and password b1b2b3l@w+.

  2. Go to Checkout.

  3. The selected delivery method is displayed in the Shipping Methods section on the Shipping step.