

ToastState : Object

The current state of the toast store.


A context provider that provides the toast state object and a dispatch function to toast functionality consumers.


A hook that provides access to the toast state and dispatch. Any component using this hook must be a child of a ToastContextProvider.

The current state of the toast store.


Map object associating an id to toast data

A context provider that provides the toast state object and a dispatch function to toast functionality consumers.

A hook that provides access to the toast state and dispatch. Any component using this hook must be a child of a ToastContextProvider.

Returns: Array.<Object> — An array containing the state and dispatch function: [ToastState, function]


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const [toastState, dispatch] = useToastState();

Source Code: pwa-studio/packages/peregrine/lib/Toasts/useToastContext.js


Using the Toast context logic

Import the ToastContextProvider and wrap it around components that use Toast data and functionality.

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// MyComponent.js
import {ToastContextProvider} from '@magento/peregrine'
import {ToastContainer, AddToastComponent} from './MyToastComponents'
const MyComponent = () =>{
return (
<ToastContainer /> // A component which would display based on state.
<AddToastComponent /> // A component which adds a toast using actions.

Call useToastContext() to get the current state of the toast store and a dispatch function.

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// MyToastComponents.js
import { useToastContext } from "@magnto/peregrine";
export const ToastContainer = () => {
const [toastState, toastDispatch] = useToastContext();
const toastData = => {
// Do something with the toast data
return <div>{toastData}</div>;
export const AddToastComponent = () => {
// Some component that allows you to add toast data using the //
toastDispatch() function or useToast() hook