- usePagination(config) ⇒
A React Hook that provides pagination logic.
Use this hook to implement components that need to navigate through paged data.
The current pagination state
Name | Type | Description |
currentPage | Number | The current page number |
totalPages | Number | The total number of pages |
The API object used for modifying the PaginationState.
Set the current page
Name | Type | Description |
page | Number | The number to assign to the current page |
Set the total number of pages
Name | Type | Description |
total | Number | The number to set the amount of pages available |
A React Hook that provides pagination logic.
Use this hook to implement components that need to navigate through paged data.
— An array with two entries containing the following content: [ PaginationState, API ]
Name | Type | Default | Description |
config | Object |
| An object containing configuration values |
config.namespace | String | '' | The namespace to append to config.parameter in the query. For example: ?namespace_parameter=value |
config.parameter | String | 'page' | The name of the query parameter to use for page |
config.initialPage | Number |
| The initial current page value |
config.initialTotalPages | Number | 1 | The total pages expected to be usable by this hook |
Source Code: pwa-studio/packages/peregrine/lib/hooks/usePagination.js