16 Access Control Management
A repository may support access control management, enabling the following:
Privilege discovery: Determining the privileges that a user has in relation to a node.
Assigning access control policies: Setting the privileges that a user has in relation to a node using access control policies specific to the implementation.
Whether a particular implementation supports access control can be determined by querying the repository descriptor table with
A return value of true indicates support (see §24.2 Repository Descriptors).
16.1 Access Control Manager
Access control is exposed through a
acquired from the Session using
AccessControlManager Session.getAccessControlManager().
16.2 Privilege Discovery
A privilege represents the ability to perform a particular set of operations on a node. Each privilege is identified by a JCR name.
JCR defines a set of standard privileges within the Privilege interface. An implementation may add additional privileges, using an appropriate implementation-specific namespace for their names.
16.2.1 Aggregate Privileges
A privilege may be an aggregate privilege. Aggregate privileges are sets of other privileges. Granting, denying, or testing an aggregate privilege is equivalent to individually granting, denying, or testing each privilege it contains. The privileges contained by an aggregate privilege may themselves be aggregate privileges if the resulting privilege graph is acyclic.
16.2.2 Abstract Privileges
A privilege may be an abstract privilege. Abstract privileges cannot themselves be granted or denied, but can be individually tested and can be composed into aggregate privileges which are granted or denied.
Abstract privileges facilitate application interoperability against repositories supporting different privilege granularities. For example, consider aggregate privilege p containing privileges p1 and p2. In repository A, p1 and p2 are not abstract and can therefore be individually granted, whereas in repository B both p1 and p2 are abstract and cannot be individually granted. For both repositories, however, an application can test whether a user has privilege p1, even though in repository B, p1 can only be acquired through non-abstract privilege p.
A privilege can be both aggregate and abstract.
16.2.3 Standard Privileges
A repository must support the following standard privileges identified by the string constants of javax.jcr.security.Privilege:
jcr:read: The privilege to retrieve a node and get its properties and their values.
jcr:modifyProperties: The privilege to create, remove and modify the values of the properties of a node.
jcr:addChildNodes: The privilege to create child nodes of a node.
jcr:removeNode: The privilege to remove a node.
jcr:removeChildNodes: The privilege to remove child nodes of a node.
In order to actually remove a node requires jcr:removeNode on that node and jcr:removeChildNodes on the parent node. The distinction is provided in order to distinguish implementations that internally model a “remove” as a “delete” from those that model it as an “unlink”. A repository that uses the “delete” model can have jcr:removeChildNodes in every access control policy, so that removal is effectively controlled by jcr:removeNode. Conversely, a repository that uses the “unlink” model can have jcr:removeNode in every access control policy.
jcr:write: An aggregate privilege that contains:
jcr:readAccessControl: The privilege to read the access control settings of a node.
jcr:modifyAccessControl: The privilege to modify the access control settings of a node.
jcr:lockManagement: The privilege to lock and unlock a node (see §17 Locking).
jcr:versionManagement: The privilege to perform versioning operations on a node (see §15 Versioning).
jcr:nodeTypeManagement: The privilege to add and remove mixin node types and change the primary node type of a node (see §10.10 Node Type Assignment).
jcr:retentionManagement: The privilege to perform retention management operations on a node (see §20 Retention and Hold).
jcr:lifecycleManagement: The privilege to perform lifecycle operations on a node (see §18 Lifecycle Management).
jcr:all: An aggregate privilege that contains:
Whether a privilege is abstract is an implementation variant, with the exception that jcr:all is never an abstract privilege. For example, a repository unable to separately control the abilities to add child nodes, remove child nodes, and set properties could make jcr:modifyProperties, jcr:addChildNodes, and jcr:removeChildNodes abstract privileges within the aggregate privilege jcr:write.
Similarly, whether any one of these privileges is aggregate is an implementation variant, with the exception that jcr:write and jcr:all are always aggregate privileges.
A repository should also add all implementation-defined privileges to jcr:all.
The standard privilege names are defined as expanded form JCR names in string constants of javax.jcr.security.Privilege.
16.2.4 Supported Privileges
The privileges available for a particular node can be determined through
getSupportedPrivileges(String absPath)
where absPath is the location of the node. Note that this method does not return the privileges held by a Session with respect to the specified node, but rather the privileges supported by the repository with respect to that node (see §16.3.7 Testing Privileges).
16.2.5 Retrieving Privileges by Name
A Privilege object can be obtained from the AccessControlManager through
where privilegeName identifies an existing Privilege (see §16.3.6 Privilege Object). Since the privilege name is a JCR name it may be passed in either qualified or expanded form (see §3.2.6 Use of Qualified and Expanded Names).
16.2.6 Privilege Object
The characteristics of a Privilege object are exposed through the following methods:
String Privilege.getName()
returns the name of this privilege. Since the privilege name is a JCR name it must be returned in qualified form (see §3.2.6 Use of Qualified and Expanded Names).
boolean Privilege.isAbstract()
returns whether the privilege is abstract.
boolean Privilege.isAggregate()
returns whether the privilege is aggregate.
Privilege[] Privilege.getDeclaredAggregatePrivileges().
If this privilege is aggregate, this method returns the privileges directly contained within it. Otherwise, it returns an empty array.
Privilege[] Privilege.getAggregatePrivileges().
If this privilege is aggregate, this method returns the privileges it contains, the privileges contained by any aggregate privileges among those, and so on (i.e., the transitive closure of privileges contained by the initial privilege). Otherwise, it returns an empty array.
16.2.7 Testing Privileges
The method
hasPrivileges(String absPath, Privilege[]
returns whether the Session has the specified privileges for the node at absPath. Testing an aggregate privilege is equivalent to testing each non-aggregate privilege among the set returned by calling Privilege.getAggregatePrivileges().
The method
Privilege[] AccessControlManager.getPrivileges(String absPath)
returns the privileges the session has for absolute path absPath. The returned privileges are those for which hasPrivileges would return true.
The set of privileges held by a session with respect to a particular node are the result of
access control policies applied using JCR (see §16.4 Access Control Policies),
privilege affecting mechanisms external to JCR, if any.
The set of privileges reported by the privilege test methods reflects the current net effect of these mechanisms. It does not reflect unsaved access control policies.
16.3 Access Control Policies
The privileges granted to a user can be controlled by assigning access control policies to nodes. The content and semantics of these policies are implementation specific and may be based on any mechanism, including access control lists or role-responsibility assignments. JCR does not expose the internals of policies, nor does it provide a mechanism for defining them. However, it does provide a marker interface AccessControlPolicy and two derived interfaces NamedAccessControlPolicy and AccessControlList (see §16.6 Access Control Lists). Furthermore, JCR provides means to:
Find which polices are available to be bound to a node.
Bind a policy to a node.
Get the policies bound to a given node (including transient modifications).
Get the policies that affect access to a given node.
Unbind a policy from a node.
In addition to these methods, any effect that a policy has on a node is always reflected in the information returned by the privilege discovery methods (see §16.2.7 Testing Privileges). Note that the scope of the effect of an access control policy may not be identical to the node to which that policy is bound (see §16.4.2 Binding a Policy to a Node).
16.3.1 Applicable Policies
AccessControlManager.getApplicablePolicies(String absPath)
returns a list of access control policies that are capable of being applied to the node at absPath. The mechanism for defining the set of policies applicable to a particular node is implementation-dependent. For a given node, the set of applicable policies available at a specific time may depend on the set of policies bound to the node at that time. Therefore, the set returned by this method may vary between calls as policies are bound and unbound.
16.3.2 Binding a Policy to a Node
The method
setPolicy(String absPath,
AccessControlPolicy policy)
binds a policy to the node at absPath. The behavior of the call
acm.setPolicy(absPath, policy)
differs depending on how the policy object was originally acquired. If policy was acquired through
then policy is added to the node at absPath. On the other hand, if policy was acquired through
then that policy object (after, presumably, being altered) replaces its older version on the node at absPath (see §16.3.4 Getting the Bound Policies)
16.3.3 Binding vs. Effect
A policy is bound to a node upon completion of the setPolicy call but only takes effect upon Session.save.
16.3.4 Getting the Bound Policies
The method
AccessControlManager.getPolicies(String absPath)
returns the policies bound to the node at absPath. If this method is called from the AccessControlManager of a Session which holds pending, unsaved policy bindings, then the policies returned will reflect the transient state instead of the persisted state. If there are no policies bound to the node at absPath through the JCR API this method returns an empty array.
16.3.5 Scope of a Policy
When an access control policy takes effect, it may affect the accessibility characteristics not only of the node to which it is bound but also of nodes elsewhere in the workspace.20 The method
AccessControlManager.getEffectivePolicies(String absPath)
performs a best-effort search to determine the policies in effect on the node at absPath.
16.3.6 Default Access Control
If a node has no effective policy assigned through the JCR API, then an implementation-specific default policy must be in effect and this policy must be returned by AccessControlManager.getEffectivePolicies. The default privileges for the node are determined by the implementation in accordance with this default policy.
16.3.7 Removing a Policy
The method
removePolicy(String absPath,
AccessControlPolicy policy)
removes the specified AccessControlPolicy from the node at absPath. An AccessControlPolicy can only be removed if it was previously bound to the specified node through this API. The effect of the removal only takes place upon Session.save().
16.3.8 Interaction with the Transient Layer and Transactions
Changes to access control are session-write operations (see §10.1.1 Session-Write) and interact with the transient layer and persistent store no differently than other such operations:
A node which has had a policy set or removed is marked as modified until the changes are saved.
The access control modifications can be reverted by calling Session.refresh(false).
The changes are visible to sessions other than the session making the change no earlier than its being dispatched (i.e., saved if outside a transaction, committed if within a transaction).
Depending on the repository implementation, the changes may not be reflected in another session until that session reacquires the modified node (for example, by calling Session.refresh).
16.3.9 Access to Properties
Access to a property is controlled by the effective access control policies of its parent node.
16.3.10 Access Control Restrictions
A repository may restrict which nodes may be access controlled. For example a document-centric repository might allow only nt:hierarchyNode nodes to be access controlled. A repository may automatically add access control policies to a newly created node based upon an implementation-determined default.
16.3.11 Exposing Policies in Content
A repository may expose a node's access control policies as child nodes or properties. If it does so, then the add, remove and save semantics of the item must match those of the policy it represents.
16.3.12 Interaction with Protected Properties
Many features of JCR expose repository metadata as protected properties defined by mixin node types. For example, locking status is exposed by the properties jcr:lockOwner and jcr:lockIsDeep defined by mix:lockable. Changes to protected properties can only be made indirectly through a feature-specific API (for example, Node.lock), not through a generic write method like Node.setProperty. Such changes are not governed by the jcr:modifyProperties privilege, but rather by the particular feature-specific privilege, for example, jcr:lockManagement (see §16.2.3 Standard Privileges).
16.3.13 Interaction with Versioning
JCR does not mandate a specific approach to access control of versioning nodes. Whatever approach is taken, any restrictions placed on operations as a consequence of access control are in addition to the restrictions imposed by the versioning feature itself (for example, checked-in nodes being immutable).
16.4 Named Access Control Policies
The NamedAccessControlPolicy extends the AccessControlPolicy marker interface. A NamedAccessControlPolicy represents an opaque, immutable policy with a name, which must be a JCR name. The name is accessed through
String NamedAccessControlPolicy.getName().
16.5 Access Control Lists
AccessControlList extends the AccessControlPolicy marker interface. An AccessControlList represents a list of AccessControlEntry objects. Before being bound to a node, the AccessControlList is mutable.
16.5.1 Access Control Entries
An AccessControlEntry represents the association of one or more javax.jcr.security.Privilege objects with a specific java.security.Principal. These are accessed through
Privilege[] AccessControlEntry.getPrivileges()
java.security.Principal AccessControlEntry.getPrincipal().
16.5.2 Getting the Access Control Entries
AccessControlEntry[] AccessControlList.getAccessControlEntries()
returns all access control entries present on the AccessControlList policy. It reflects the current state of the policy including modifications that have not yet been persisted.
16.5.3 Adding an Access Control Entry
Privilege[] privileges)
adds an access control entry consisting of the specified principal and the specified privileges to the AccessControlList policy and returns true if the AccessControlList was thereby modified.
How the entries are grouped within the list is implementation-specific. An implementation may, for example, combine the specified privileges with those added by a previous call to addAccessControlEntry for the same Principal. However, a call to addAccessControlEntry for a given Principal can never remove a Privilege added by a previous call.
16.5.4 Removing an Access Control Entry
removes the specified AccessControlEntry from the AccessControlList policy. This method is guaranteed to affect only the privileges of the principal defined within the specified AccessControlEntry. Only exactly those entries obtained from AccessControlList.getAccessControlEntries can be removed through this API.
16.5.5 Modification vs. Effect
An access control entry is added to or removed from an AccessControlList upon completion of the addAccessControlEntry or removeAccessControlEntry call, respectively. However, those modifications only take effect once the policy has been bound to a node through AccessControlManager.setPolicy and saved.
16.5.6 Privileges to Manage Entries
The user must have the jcr:modifyAccessControl privilege to add or remove access control entries and the jcr:readAccessControl privilege to read access control entries from an AccessControlList.
16.5.7 Principal Discovery
The discovery of java.security.Principals is outside the scope of this specification.
16.6 Privileges Permissions and Capabilities
In JCR, the terms privilege, permission and capability have precise and distinct meanings.
16.6.1 Privileges
The set of privileges held by a session with respect to a particular node are the result of access control policies applied using JCR and any other privilege affecting mechanisms external to JCR that may exist, if any.
16.6.2 Permissions
Testing for permissions is a feature that all repositories must support regardless of whether they support access control management.
In repositories that do support access control management, the permissions encompass the restrictions imposed by privileges, but also include any additional policy-internal refinements with effects too fine-grained to be exposed through privilege discovery. A common case may be to provide finer-grained access restrictions to individual properties or child nodes of the node to which the policy applies.
In the case of a policy that does not define any refinements, testing privileges is equivalent to using these methods with the following mapping:
The action |
on I, a |
is equivalent to |
add_node |
node |
jcr:addChildNode on the parent of I. |
set_property |
property |
jcr:modifyProperties on the parent of I. |
remove |
node |
jcr:removeChildNodes on the parent of I and jcr:removeNode on I. |
remove |
property |
jcr:modifyProperties on the parent of I. |
read |
node |
jcr:read on I. |
read |
property |
jcr:read on the parent of I. |
16.6.3 Capabilities
Capabilities encompass the restrictions imposed by permissions, but also include any further restrictions unrelated to access control. These include constraints enforced by node types, versioning or any other JCR or implementation-specific mechanism. Capabilities are reported by Session.hasCapability (see §9.2 Capabilities). The reporting of capabilities is always subject to practical limitations, but should be as accurate as possible, given the design of the implementation.