7 Export
A JCR repository must support export of content to two XML formats: system view and document view.
7.1 Exporting a Subgraph
Export operates on a subgraph of a workspace. Given a repository R with workspace W and a node N within W the following sections describe the algorithm for producing the system view and document view serializations of the subgraph rooted at N.
In a repository that supports shareable nodes the set of nodes below N may not be a tree, it may, more generally, be a subgraph with unique source N (see §3.9 Shareable Nodes Model).
7.2 System View
The exported system view XML document is constructed as follows:
For every namespace used within the subgraph rooted at N, the corresponding JCR namespace mapping in the current session is included as an XML namespace declaration such that any use of a namespace prefix is within the scope of the appropriate namespace declaration.
Other JCR namespace mappings in the current session may be included as XML namespace declarations in the exported document.
The JCR namespace mapping of the prefix xml may be excluded from the namespace declarations in the exported document.
A namespace declaration for the URI http://www.jcp.org/jcr/sv/1.0, is included such that any use of the corresponding namespace prefix is within the scope of the declaration. In this section the prefix sv is assumed, making the declaration xmlns:sv=“http://www.jcp.org/jcr/sv/1.0”.
Each JCR node becomes an XML element <sv:node>.
Each JCR property becomes an XML element <sv:property>.
The name of each JCR node or property becomes the value of the sv:name attribute of the corresponding <sv:node> or <sv:property> element.
If the root node of a workspace is included in the serialized subgraph, it receives the name jcr:root.
The property type of each content repository property is recorded in the sv:type attribute of the corresponding <sv:property> element, using the standard string forms for property type names as returned by the method PropertyType.nameFromValue.
The value of each BINARY JCR property is Base6412 encoded and the resulting string is included as XML text within an <sv:value> element within the <sv:property> element.
The value of each non-BINARY JCR property is converted to string form according to the standard conversion (see §3.6.4 Property Type Conversion) and the resulting string is included as XML text within an <sv:value> element within the <sv:property> element.
Entity references are used to escape characters which cannot be included as literals within XML text (see §7.5 Escaping of Values).
If, after conversion to string and entity escaping is performed, the string form of a value still contains characters which cannot appear in an XML document (neither as literals nor as character references13) then:
The string form is further encoded using Base64 encoding.
The attribute xsi:type=“xsd:base64Binary” is added to the <sv:value> element.
The namespace mappings for xsi and xsd are added to the exported XML document so that the xsi:type attribute is within their scope. The namespace declarations required are xmlns:xsd=“http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema” and xmlns:xsi=“http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance”. Note that the prefixes representing these two namespaces need not be literally “xsd” and “xsi”. Any two prefixes are permitted as long as the corresponding namespace declarations are changed accordingly.
A multi-value property is converted to an <sv:property> element containing multiple <sv:value> elements. The order of the <sv:value> elements reflects the order of the value array returned by Property.getValues. If a property is multi-valued but happens to have only one value, then the attribute sv:multiple=“true” must be added to the corresponding <sv:property> element. If the property is multi-valued and has more than one value then the sv:multiple=“true” attribute may be added.
The hierarchy of the content repository nodes and properties is reflected in the hierarchy of the corresponding XML elements.
Within an <sv:node> element all <sv:property> subelements must occur before the first <sv:node> subelement.
The first <sv:property> element in an <sv:node> element must be jcr:primaryType (see §3.7.10 Base Primary Node Type).
If a node has a jcr:mixinTypes property, then the second <sv:property> element in the <sv:node> element must be jcr:mixinTypes (see §3.7.10 Base Primary Node Type).
In the case of referenceable nodes, the third <sv:property> element in the <sv:node> element must be jcr:uuid (see § mix:referenceable).
The order of the <sv:node> subelements of a parent <sv:node> must reflect the order in which the corresponding child nodes are returned by Node.getNodes().
Shared nodes are exported as described in §14.7 Export.
A writable repository may support import using system view (see §11 Import).
7.3 Document View
The document view provides a more human-readable serialization than system view. Unlike system view, document view is lossy. It does not preserve all information in the subgraph.
For every namespace used within the subgraph rooted at N, the corresponding JCR namespace mapping in the current session is included in the exported document such that any use of the namespace prefix in the exported document is within the scope of the appropriate namespace declaration.
Other JCR namespace mappings in the current session may be included as XML namespace declarations in the exported document.
The JCR namespace mapping of the prefix xml may be excluded from the namespace declarations in the exported document.
Each JCR node N becomes an XML element of the same name, N.
If the root node of a workspace is included in the serialized subgraph, it becomes an XML elements with the name jcr:root.
Each child node C of N becomes a subelement C of XML element N.
The order of the subelements of element N must reflect the order in which the corresponding child nodes are returned by Node.getNodes.
Each property P of node N becomes an XML attribute P of XML element N.
If P is a BINARY property its value is Base64 encoded. The resulting string becomes the value of the XML attribute P.
If P is a non-BINARY property its value is converted to string form according to the standard conversion (see §3.6.4 Property Type Conversion). Entity references are used to escape characters which cannot be included as literals within attribute values (see §7.5 Escaping of Values).
A writable repository may support document view import (see §11.1 Importing Arbitrary XML).
The following sections describe the exceptions to the above general rules.
7.3.1 XML Text
In a repository that supports it, on document view import XML text is converted to the special node/property structure jcr:xmltext/jcr:xmlcharacters (see §11.1 Importing Document View). When this structure is exported back to XML the process is reversed.
If a child node of N called jcr:xmltext is encountered and that jcr:xmltext node has one and only one child item and that item is a single-valued property called jcr:xmlcharacters, then the jcr:xmltext node is not converted into an XML element. Instead, the value of the jcr:xmlcharacters property becomes text within the body of the XML element N. Entity references are used to escape characters which cannot be included as literals within XML text (see §7.5 Escaping of Values) however, escaping of whitespace is not performed (see §7.3.3 Multi-Value Properties). Two or more jcr:xmltext nodes adjacent within the ordering of a child node set will have the values of their respective jcr:xmlcharacters concatenated into a single resulting XML text node.
7.3.2 Invalid Item Names
If the name of a content repository item I is not a valid XML element or attribute name (as the case may be) then on export the repository may either ignore the item in question or employ the escaping scheme described in §7.4 Escaping of Names. Which approach is taken is implementation-dependent.
7.3.3 Multi-Value Properties
If a multi-value property P is encountered on export, the repository may either ignore the multi-value property or serialize it as an attribute whose value is an XML Schema list type14 (i.e., a whitespace-delimited list of strings). If the latter approach is taken then:
Each value in the property is converted to a string according to standard conversion, see §3.6.4 Property Type Conversion. If the multi-value property contains no values, then it is serialized as an empty string.
All literal whitespace within each string is escaped, as well as any characters that should not be included as literals in any case, see §7.5 Escaping of Values.
The final attribute value is constructed by concatenating the resulting strings, with the addition of the space delimiter, into a single string. The order of concatenation must be the same as the order in which the values appear in the Value array returned by Property.getValues.
Furthermore, if multi-value property serialization is supported, then a mechanism must be adopted whereby upon re-import the distinction between multi- and single- value properties is not lost, see §7.5 Escaping of Values.
Note that this escaping of space literals does not apply to the value of jcr:xmltext/jcr:xmlcharacters when it is converted to XML text. In that case only the standard XML entity escaping is required, regardless of whether multi-value property serialization is supported (see §7.3.1 XML Text and §7.5 Escaping of Values).
7.3.4 Invalid Characters in Values
If the string form of the value of property P contains characters which cannot appear in XML documents at all (neither as literals nor as character references15) then the attribute P is simply excluded from the document view serialization and does not appear at all.
7.4 Escaping of Names
Though a JCR prefix is always a valid XML prefix, the JCR local name may not be a valid XML name. Consequently, for document view serialization, each JCR name is converted to a valid XML name (as defined by XML 1.0) by translating invalid characters into escaped numeric entity encodings16.
The escape character is the underscore (“_”). Any invalid character is escaped as _xHHHH_, where HHHH is the four-digit hexadecimal UTF-16 code for the character. When producing escape sequences the implementation should use lowercase letters for the hex digits a-f. When unescaping, however, both upper and lowercase alphabetic hexadecimal characters must be recognized.
Escaping and unescaping is done by parsing the name from left to right.
The underscore character (“_”), when appearing as literal, is itself escaped if it is followed by xHHHH where H is one of the following characters: 0123456789abcdefABCDEF.
For example,
“My Documents” is encoded as “My_x0020_Documents”.
“My_Documents” is not encoded.
“My_x0020Documents” is encoded as “My_x005f_x0020Documents”.
“My_x0020_Documents” is encoded as “My_x005f_x0020_Documents”.
“My_x0020 Documents” is encoded as “My_x005f_x0020_x0020_Documents”.
7.5 Escaping of Values
When a non-BINARY value is serialized during either system view or document view export, it is first converted to string form using standard value conversion, see §3.6.4 Property Type Conversion. BINARY values are encoded using Base64. The resulting string then undergoes any further changes required by the standard XML escaping rules17.
In document view serialization, if the property being serialized is multi-valued (or if the implementation chooses to encode spaces in single-value properties as well, see below) then the value or values must be further encoded by escaping any occurrence of one of the four whitespace characters: space, tab, carriage return and line feed. The scheme used to encode these characters is the same as that described in §7.4 Escaping of Names. Note that in this restricted context, applying those escaping rules amounts to the following: a space becomes _x0020_, a tab becomes _x0009_, a carriage return becomes _x000D_, a line feed becomes _x000A_ and any underscore (_) that occurs as the first character of a sequence that could be misinterpreted as an escape sequence becomes _x005f_.
Finally, in document view export, the value of the attribute representing a multi-value property is constructed by concatenating the results of the above escaping into a space-delimited list.
In document view export (though not in system view), if multi-value property serialization is supported (see §7.3.3 Multi-Value Properties) then a mechanism must be adopted whereby upon re-import the distinction between multi- and single- value properties is not lost. One option is that escaping of space literals must be applied to the value of all single-value properties as well. Another option is that when an XML document is imported in document view, each attribute is assumed to be a single-value property unless out-of-band information defines it to be multi-valued (for example, if the applicable node type defines the property as multi-valued or the XML document is associated with a schema definition that indicates that the attribute is a list value). The approach taken is implementation-specific.
Note that the value of a jcr:xmlcharacters property used to represent XML text (see §7.3.1 XML Text) is not space-escaped, regardless of the prevailing multi-value property serialization policy.
7.6 Export API
Exported XML can be output either as a stream or as a series of SAX events. The export methods are found in the Session object.
7.6.1 System View Export
The methods
Session.exportSystemView(String absPath,
ContentHandler contentHandler,
boolean skipBinary,
Session.exportSystemView(String absPath,
OutputStream out,
boolean noRecurse)
serialize the item subgraph starting at absPath.
The first method serializes content to XML as a series of SAX events triggered by the repository calling the methods of the supplied org.xml.sax.ContentHandler.
The second method serializes content to an XML stream and outputs it to the supplied java.io.OutputStream.
The resulting XML is in the system view form.
If skipBinary is true then any properties of type BINARY will be serialized with empty sv:value elements. In the case of multi-value BINARY properties, the number of values in the property will be reflected in the serialized output, though they will all be empty.
If skipBinary is false then the actual values of each BINARY property are serialized.
If noRecurse is true then only the node at absPath and its properties, but not its child nodes, are serialized. If noRecurse is false then the entire subgraph is serialized.
7.6.2 Document View Export
The methods
Session.exportDocumentView(String absPath,
ContentHandler contentHandler,
boolean skipBinary,
Session.exportDocumentView(String absPath,
OutputStream out,
boolean skipBinary,
work identically to their respective system view variants, except that the resulting XML is in the document view form.
7.7 Export Scope
Export obeys the access restrictions of the bound Session. If the Session lacks read access to some subsection of the specified content, that section is not exported.
The exported output reflects the state of the bound persistent workspace as modified by the transient store of the bound Session. This means that pending changes and all namespace mappings in the namespace registry, as modified by the current session-mappings, are reflected in the output.
7.8 Encoding
XML streams produced by export must be encoded in UTF-8 or UTF-16 as per the XML specification18.