17 Locking
A repository may support locking, which enables a user to temporarily prevent other users from changing a node or subgraph of nodes.
Whether an implementation supports locking can be determined by querying the repository descriptor table with
A return value of true indicates support (see §24.2 Repository Descriptors).
17.1 Lockable
A lock is placed on a node by calling LockManager.lock (see §17.11.1 LockManager.lock). The node on which a lock is placed is called the holding node of that lock. Only nodes with mixin node type mix:lockable (inherited as part of their primary node type or explicitly assigned) may hold locks. The definition of mix:lockable is:
- jcr:lockOwner (STRING) protected IGNORE
- jcr:lockIsDeep (BOOLEAN) protected IGNORE
17.2 Shallow and Deep Locks
A lock can be specified as either shallow or deep. A shallow lock applies only to its holding node and its properties. A deep lock applies to its holding node and all its descendants. Consequently, there is a distinction between a lock being held by a node and a lock applying to a node. A lock always applies to its holding node. However, if it is a deep lock, it also applies to all nodes in the holding node's subgraph. When a lock applies to a node, that node is said to be locked.
Since a deep lock applies to all nodes in the lock-holding node's subgraph, this may include both mix:lockable nodes and non-mix:lockable nodes. The deep lock applies to both categories of node equally and it does not add any jcr:lockOwner or jcr:lockIsDeep properties to any of the deep-locked mix:lockable nodes. However, if any such nodes exist and they already have these properties, this means that they are already locked, and hence the attempt to deep lock above them will fail.
Additionally, assuming a deep lock exists above a mix:lockable node, any attempt to lock this lower level mix:lockable node will also fail, because it is already locked from above.
17.3 Lock Owner
Initially, the session through which a lock is placed is the owner of that lock. This means the session has the power to alter the locked node and to remove the lock. In the case of open-scoped locks (as opposed to session-scoped, see §17.7 Session-Scoped and Open-Scoped Locks) control of the lock may be given to another session during the lifetime of that lock. In some implementations giving control of a lock to another session will remove control from the previous session, in others, more than one session may simultaneously own the same open-scoped lock.
Repositories may support client-specified lock owner information. If this is the case, the jcr:lockOwner property will be set to the value supplied upon lock creation, and will not change during the lifetime of the lock. Otherwise, when a lock is created, the jcr:lockOwner property is set to the user ID bound to the locking Session (that is, the string returned by Session.getUserID) or another implementation-dependent string identifying the user.
In implementations that do not support client-specified lock owner information, when an open-scoped lock is moved to a new owner, or assigned an additional one (if supported), the jcr:lockOwner property may be automatically altered to reflect the change.
Strictly speaking it is the session, not the user, that owns a particular lock at a particular time. The jcr:lockOwner property is used for informational purposes, so that a client application can, for example, display this information to other users. For this reason the user is sometimes informally referred to as the lock owner.
In implementations that record the user ID in jcr:lockOwner, that user will not automatically have the ability to alter the locked node if accessing it through another session. Transfer (or, if supported, addition) of ownership must be done explicitly from one session to another and is not governed by the user ID associated with a session.
17.4 Placing and Removing a Lock
When LockManager.lock is performed on a mix:lockable node, the properties defined in that node type are automatically created and set as follows:
jcr:lockOwner is set to the supplied owner info, the user ID associated with the session that set the lock (this is the value returned by Session.getUserID) or another implementation-dependent string identifying the user.
jcr:lockIsDeep is set to reflect whether the lock is deep or not.
When LockManager.unlock is performed on a locked mix:lockable node, through a session that owns the lock these two properties are removed.
Additionally, the content repository may give permission to some sessions to remove locks for which they are not the owner. Typically such “lock-superuser” capability is intended to facilitate administrational clean-up of orphaned open-scoped locks.
An attempt to call LockManager.lock or LockManager.unlock for a node that is not mix:lockable will throw a LockException, as will an attempt to lock an already locked node or unlock an already unlocked node.
17.5 Lock Token
The method LockManager.lock returns a Lock object. If the lock is open-scoped the lock will contain a lock token. A lock token is a string that uniquely identifies a particular lock and acts as a key granting lock ownership to any session that hold the token.
In order to use the lock token as a key, it must be added to the session, thus permitting that session to alter the nodes to which the lock applies or to remove the lock. When a lock token is attached to a Session, the session becomes an owner of the lock.
The method LockManager.lock automatically adds the lock token for a newly placed open-scoped lock to the current session.
The client can also control which lock tokens are attached to the session through the LockManager methods addLockToken, removeLockToken and getLockTokens.
17.6 Session-Scoped and Open-Scoped Locks
When a lock is placed on a node, it can be specified to be either a session-scoped lock or an open-scoped lock. A session-scoped lock automatically expires when the session through which the lock owner placed the lock expires. An open-scoped lock does not expire until it is explicitly unlocked, it times out or an implementation-specific limitation intervenes.
In the case of open-scoped locks, the lock token must be attached to the current session in order to alter any nodes locked by that token's lock.
In the case of session-scoped locks, the user need not explicitly do anything since the lock is automatically associated with the session and expires with it in any case.
With open–scoped locks the token is automatically attached to the session. However, the user must additionally ensure that a reference to the lock token is preserved separately so that it can later be attached to another session since, presumably, an open-scoped lock is being used to avoid co-expiration with the initial session. It is for handling these cases of attaching an existing lock token from a previous session to a new session that the methods LockManager.addLockToken, LockManager.removeLockToken and LockManager.getLockTokens are provided (see §17.11 LockManager Object).
To determine an existing lock’s scoping, the method Lock.isSessionScoped is provided.
If a Lock is session-scoped, the method Lock.isLockOwningSession can be used to determine whether the current session is the lock owner.
An implementation may support simultaneous ownership of open-scoped locks across sessions.
17.7 Effect of a Lock
If a lock applies to a node (i.e., the node either holds the lock or is a descendant of a node holding a deep lock), then to all sessions except the lock-owning session, the same restrictions apply with respect to the node as would apply if the node were protected (see § Protected).
Removing a node is considered an alteration of its parent. This means that a node within the scope of a lock may be removed by a session that is not an owner of that lock, assuming no other restriction prevents the removal. Similarly, a locked node and its subgraph may be moved by a non-lock-owning session if no restriction prevents the alteration of the source and destination parent nodes.
Locked nodes can always be read and copied by any session with sufficient access privileges.
When an action is prevented due to a lock, a LockException is thrown either immediately or on the subsequent save. Implementations may differ on which of these behaviors is used to enforce locking.
There is at most one lock on any node at one time.
17.8 Timing Out
Implementations may support client-supplied timeout information, but are not required to do so. Additionally, an implementation may remove (unlock) any lock at any time due to implementation-specific criteria.
17.9 Locks and Persistence
When a new node is added below a deep lock by that lock's owning session LockManager.isLocked(Node) will report true even before the node is persisted21. However, since the node is not visible to other Sessions, its locked status has no effect until it is persisted.
17.10 Locks and Transactions
Locking and unlocking are treated just like any other operation in the context of a transaction. For example, consider the following series of operations:
do A
do B
In this example the lock and unlock have no effect. This series of operations is equivalent to:
do A
do B
The reason for this is that changes to a workspace are only made visible to other Sessions upon commit of the transaction, and this includes changes in the locked status of a node. As a result, if a lock is enabled and then disabled within the same transaction, its effect never makes it to the persistent workspace and therefore it does nothing.
In order to use locks properly (that is, to prevent the “lost update problem”), locking and unlocking must be done in separate transactions. For example:
do A
do B
This series of operations would ensure that the actions A and B are protected by the lock.
17.11 LockManager Object
The methods for locking, unlocking and querying the locking status of a node are found in the LockManager, acquired through
LockManager Workspace.getLockManager().
17.11.1 Locking a Node
LockManager.lock(String absPath,
boolean isDeep,
boolean isSessionScoped,
long timeout,
places a lock on the node at absPath. If successful, the node is said to hold the lock.
If isDeep is true then the lock applies to the specified node and all its descendant nodes; if false, the lock applies only to the specified node. On a successful lock, the jcr:lockIsDeep property of the locked node is set to this value.
If isSessionScoped is true then this lock will expire upon the expiration of the current session (either through an automatic or explicit Session.logout); if false, this lock does not expire until it is explicitly unlocked, it times out, or it is automatically unlocked due to an implementation-specific limitation.
The timeout parameter specifies the number of seconds until the lock times out (if it is not refreshed in the meantime, see §10.11.1 Refresh). An implementation may use this information as a hint or ignore it altogether. Clients can discover the actual timeout by inspecting the returned Lock object.
The ownerInfo parameter can be used to pass a string holding owner information relevant to the client. An implementation may either use or ignore this parameter. If it uses the parameter it must set the jcr:lockOwner property of the locked node to this value and return this value on Lock.getLockOwner. If it ignores this parameter the jcr:lockOwner property (and the value returned by Lock.getLockOwner) is set to either the value returned by Session.getUserID of the owning session or an implementation-specific string identifying the owner.
The method returns a Lock object representing the new lock.
If the lock is open-scoped the returned lock will include a lock token. The lock token is also automatically added to the set of lock tokens held by the current Session.
The addition or change of the properties jcr:lockIsDeep and jcr:lockOwner are persisted immediately; there is no need to call save.
It is possible to lock a node even if it is checked-in (see §15.2.2 Read-Only on Check-In).
17.11.2 Getting a Lock
Lock LockManager.getLock(String absPath)
returns the Lock object that applies to the node at absPath. This may be either a lock on the node itself or a deep lock on a node above that node.
If the current session holds the lock token for this lock and the lock is open-scoped, then the returned Lock object contains that lock token (accessible through Lock.getLockToken). If this Session does not hold the applicable lock token and the lock is open-scoped, the returned Lock object may return the lock token. Otherwise, the returned Lock object will not contain the lock token and its Lock.getLockToken method will return null (see §17.12.4 Getting a Lock Token).
17.11.3 Unlocking a Node
void LockManager.unlock(String absPath)
Removes the lock, and the properties jcr:lockOwner and jcr:lockIsDeep, from the node at absPath. These changes are persisted automatically; there is no need to call save. As well, the corresponding lock token is removed from the set of lock tokens held by the current session.
If this node does not currently hold a lock or holds a lock for which this Session is not the owner, then a LockException is thrown.
The system may give permission to a non-owning session to unlock a lock. Typically such “lock-superuser” capability is intended to facilitate administrational clean-up of orphaned open-scoped locks.
It is possible to unlock a node even if it is checked-in (see §15.2.2 Read-Only on Check-In).
17.11.4 Testing for Lock Holding
boolean LockManager.holdsLock(String absPath)
returns true if the node at absPath holds a lock; otherwise returns false. To hold a lock means that the node has actually had a lock placed on it specifically, as opposed to having a lock apply to it due to a deep lock held by a node above.
17.11.5 Testing for Locked Status
boolean LockManager.isLocked(String absPath)
returns true if the node at absPath is locked either as a result of a lock held by the specified node or by a deep lock on a node above that node; otherwise returns false.
Alternatively, the method
boolean Node.isLocked()
can be used directly on the node in question.
17.11.6 Adding a Lock Token
void LockManager.addLockToken(String lockToken)
adds the specified lock token to the current session. Holding a lock token makes this session the owner of the lock specified by that particular lock token. If the implementation does not support simultaneous lock ownership this method will transfer ownership of the lock corresponding to the specified lockToken to the current session, otherwise the current session will become an additional owner of that lock. In either case, if the implementation does not support client-specified lock owner information, this method may cause a change in the jcr:lockOwner property (and the value returned by Lock.getLockOwner) of the lock corresponding to the specified lockToken (see §17.5 Lock Token).
17.11.7 Getting Lock Tokens
String[] LockManager.getLockTokens()
returns an array containing all lock tokens currently held by the current session. Note that any such tokens will represent open-scoped locks, since session–scoped locks do not have tokens.
17.11.8 Removing a Lock Token
void LockManager.removeLockToken(String lockToken)
Removes the specified lockToken from the current session, causing the session to no longer be an owner of the lock associated with the lockToken. If the implementation does not support client-specified lock owner information, this method may cause a change in the jcr:lockOwner property (and the value returned by Lock.getLockOwner) of the lock corresponding to the specified lockToken (see §17.5 Lock Token).
17.12 Lock Object
The Lock object represents a lock on a particular node. It is acquired either on lock creation through LockManager.lock or after lock creation through LockManager.getLock.
17.12.1 Getting the Lock Owner
String Lock.getLockOwner()
returns the value of the jcr:lockOwner property. This is either the client-supplied lock owner information, the user ID bound to the session that holds the lock or an implementation-specific string identifying the user (see §4.4.1 User).
The lock owner's identity is only provided for informational purposes. It does not govern who can perform an unlock or make changes to the locked nodes; that depends entirely upon the session that holds the lock token.
17.12.2 Testing Lock Depth
boolean Lock.isDeep()
returns true if this is a deep lock; false otherwise.
17.12.3 Getting the Lock Holding Node
Node Lock.getNode()
returns the lock holding node. Note that N.getLock().getNode() (where N is a locked node) will only return N if N is the lock holder. If N is in the subgraph of the lock holder, H, then this call will return H.
17.12.4 Getting a Lock Token
String Lock.getLockToken()
may return the lock token for this lock. If this lock is open-scoped and the current session holds the lock token for this lock, then this method will return that lock token. If the lock is open-scoped and the current session does not hold the lock token, it may return the lock token. Otherwise this method will return null.
17.12.5 Testing Lock Aliveness
boolean Lock.isLive()
returns true if this Lock object represents a lock that is currently in effect. If this lock has been unlocked either explicitly or due to an implementation-specific limitation (like a timeout) then it returns false. Note that this method is intended for those cases where one is holding a Lock Java object and wants to find out whether the lock (the repository-level entity that is attached to the lockable node) that this object originally represented still exists. For example, a timeout or explicit unlock will remove a lock from a node but the Lock Java object corresponding to that lock may still exist, and in that case its isLive method will return false.
17.12.6 Testing Lock Scope
boolean Lock.isSessionScoped()
Returns true if this is a session-scoped lock and the scope is bound to the current session. Returns false otherwise.
17.12.7 Testing Lock Owning Session
boolean Lock.isLockOwningSession()
Returns true if the current session is the owner of this lock, either because it is session-scoped and bound to this session or open-scoped and this session currently holds the token for this lock. Returns false otherwise.
17.12.8 Getting Seconds Remaining
long Lock.getSecondsRemaining()
If this lock's time-to-live is governed by a timer, the number of remaining seconds until time out is returned. If this lock's time-to-live is not governed by a timer, then this method returns Long.MAX_VALUE.
17.12.9 Refreshing a Lock
void Lock.refresh()
If this lock's time-to-live is governed by a timer, this method resets that timer. If this lock's time-to-live is not governed by a timer, then this method has no effect.
17.13 LockException
When a method fails due to the presence or absence of a lock on a particular node a LockException is thrown.
LockException extends RepositoryException, adding the method
String LockException.getFailureNodePath(),
which returns the absolute path of the node that caused the error, or null if the implementation chooses not to, or cannot, return a path.