Load environment file

The load-env subcommand for the buildpack CLI command loads and validates the local .env file according to the variable declarations in the envVarDefinitions.json file. This includes any deprecated or changed settings. When loading from .env, buildpack does not override previously declared variables.

Command flags

Used only by the core PWA Studio repository for quick setups of the core dev environment.

The --core-dev-mode flag tells buildpack to run buildpack create-env-file --use-examples if an existing .env file does not exist in the given directory path.

Usage tips

  • Use the load-env command in NPM scripts instead of directly invoking it with npx

  • Use a command, shell script, or spawned subprocess to override individual environment variables at start time.

  • The command does not require a .env file to be present.

    If a .env file is not present, the environment is still valid if another process or command sets the required variables. If the file is not present and the variable NODE_ENV is not set to production, buildpack logs a warning.

Programmatic API

Adding the @magento/pwa-buildpack dependency to your project gives you access to the programmatic API for loading the .env file.

loadEnvironment(dirOrEnv, [logger])

Loads a given directory's .env file and provides a configuration object.


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const { loadEnvironment } = require("@magento/pwa-buildpack");
const configuration = await loadEnvironment(process.cwd());


NameData typeDescription
string path or process.env object
Provides a path to the project root.
An optional logger object to use instead of the default console.

If the dirOrEnv parameter is a process.env object, it will not attempt to parse a .env file.

Return value

The loadEnvironment() function returns a configuration object.

Configuration object

Use the configuration object returned by loadEnvironment() as a single source of truth for configuration.


The raw environment object
True if NODE_ENV=production
True if NODE_ENV=development
True if NODE_ENV=test


The configuration object provides methods that return settings in specific namespaces. This lets you pass smaller objects instead of a single, plain object full of global configuration values.

section(sectionName) : Returns a plain object with environment variables in the sectionName namespace. The property keys are camelCased for convenience.

sections(...sectionNames) : Returns a plain object with environment variables from the specified namespaces. The namespaces are assigned to different camelCased properties named after the section name.

all() : Returns the entire environment object, camelCased for convenience, with no namespace separations.

Full example script

The following example is a script that starts an UPWARD-JS server using configuration values loaded from the environment and .env file in the project path.

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import { loadEnvironment } from "@magento/pwa-buildpack";
// Give `loadEnvironment` the path to the project root.
// If the current file is in project root, use the Node builtin `__dirname`.
const configuration = await loadEnvironment("/Users/me/path/to/project");
// `loadEnvironment` has now read the contents of
// `/Users/me/path/to/project/.env` and merged it with any environment
// variables that were alredy set.
// Create an UPWARD server using env vars that begin with `UPWARD_JS_`
// If these environment variables are set:
// UPWARD_JS_HOST=https://local.upward/
// then `configuration.section('upwardJs')` produces this object:
// {
// host: 'https://local.upward',
// port: '8081'
// }
// No other environment variables are included in this object unless they begin
// with `UPWARD_JS_` which is the equivalent of `upwardJs` camel-cased.
// The .all() method turns the whole environment into an object, with all
// CONSTANT_CASE names turned into camelCase names.
const allConfig = configuration.all();
// This object will have one property for each set environment variable,
// including the UPWARD variables named above.
// But `configuration.all()` does not namespace them, they have longer names:
// {
// upwardJsHost: 'https://local.upward',
// upwardJsPort: '8081'
// }
// This huge object defeats the purpose of loadEnvironment() and should
// only be used for debugging.
// Instead, let's create an UPWARD server combining two environment variable
// sections with hardcoded overrides to some values.
bindLocal: true,
// This uses JavaScript object spreading to combine several sections of
// configuration and override a value.
// If the environment contains these values:
// UPWARD_JS_HOST=https://local.pwadev
// MAGENTO_BACKEND_URL=https://local.magento
// Then the above code passes the following object to `createUpwardServer`:
// {
// host: 'https://local.pwadev',
// port: '443',
// backendUrl: 'https://local.magento',
// bindLocal: true
// }
// The `sections()` method can split an env object into named subsections:
createUpwardServer(configuration.sections("upwardJs", "magento"));
// Given the same environment variables as above, this code will pass the
// following to `createUpwardServer`:
// {
// upwardJs: {
// host: 'https://local.pwadev',
// port: '443',
// bindLocal: '' // the null string is used as a falsy value
// },
// magento: {
// backendUrl: 'https://local.magento'
// }
// }
// (The above is not the actual config object format for `createUpwardServer`,
// but if it was, that's how you'd make it.)
// Use the convenience properties `isProd` and `isDev` instead of testing
// `process.env.NODE_ENV` directly:
if (configuration.isDev) {
console.log("Development mode");