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Kind: class Extends: SceneNode

Repeat Grid container node containing multiple grid cells, each one a child Group. Changes within one cell are automatically synced to all the other cells - with certain exceptions, called "overrides." A Repeat Grid also defines a rectangular clipping mask which determines how may cells are visible (new cells are automatically generated as needed if the Repeat Grid is resized larger).

Each grid cell is a Group that is an immediate child of the RepeatGrid. These groups are automatically created and destroyed as needed when the RepeatGrid is resized.

It is not currently possible for plugins to create a new RepeatGrid node, aside from using commands.duplicate to clone existing RepeatGrids.


width: number

Defines size of the RepeatGrid. Cells are created and destroyed as necessary to fill the current size. Cells that only partially fit will be clipped.

Kind: instance property of RepeatGrid


height: number

Defines size of the RepeatGrid. Cells are created and destroyed as necessary to fill the current size. Cells that only partially fit will be clipped.

Kind: instance property of RepeatGrid


numColumns: number

Number of grid columns

Kind: instance property of RepeatGrid Read only: true


numRows: number

Number of grid rows

Kind: instance property of RepeatGrid Read only: true


paddingX: number

Horizontal spacing between grid cells/columns

Kind: instance property of RepeatGrid Read only: true


paddingY: number

Vertical spacing between grid cells/rows

Kind: instance property of RepeatGrid Read only: true


cellSize: {width: number, height: number}

The size of each grid cell. The size of each cell's content can vary slightly due to text overrides; the cell size is always set to the width of the widest cell content and the height of the tallest cell content.

Kind: instance property of RepeatGrid Read only: true


attachTextDataSeries(textNode, textValues)

Attach a sequence of text values to the instances of a given text node across all the cells of a Repeat Grid. The sequence is repeated as necessary to cover all the grid cells. This is a persistent data binding, so if the Repeat Grid is resized later to increase the number of grid cells, items from this sequence will be used to fill the text values of the new cells.

You can call this API from either of two different edit contexts:

  • Edit context where the RepeatGrid node is in scope (where properties of the RepeatGrid node itself could be edited) - e.g. when the RepeatGrid is selected
  • Edit context where textNode is in scope (where properties of the textNode could be edited) - e.g. when textNode is selected or when the user has otherwise drilled down into the grid cell containing it.
A Text node exemplar that would be in scope for editing if the current edit context was one of this RepeatGrid's cells. The data series will be bound to this text node and all corresponding copies of it in the other grid cells.
Array of one or more strings. Empty strings are ignored.

Kind: instance method of RepeatGrid


attachImageDataSeries(shapeNode, images)

Attach a sequence of image fills to the instances of a given shape node across all the cells of a Repeat Grid. The sequence is repeated as necessary to cover all the grid cells. This is a persistent data binding, so if the Repeat Grid is resized later to increase the number of grid cells, items from this sequence will be used to set the image fill in the new cells.

You can call this API from either of two different edit contexts:

  • Edit context where the RepeatGrid node is in scope (where properties of the RepeatGrid node itself could be edited) - e.g. when the RepeatGrid is selected
  • Edit context where shapeNode is in scope (where properties of the shapeNode could be edited) - e.g. when shapeNode is selected or when the user has otherwise drilled down into the grid cell containing it.
A shape node exemplar that would be in scope for editing if the current edit context was one of this RepeatGrid's cells. The image series will be bound to this node and all corresponding copies of it in the other grid cells. Must be a node type that supports image fills (e.g. Rectangle, but not Text or Line).
Array of one or more ImageFills.

Kind: instance method of RepeatGrid

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