TIFF namespace

EXIF properties for TIFF-derived data.

tiff:ArtistCamera owner, photographer or image creator. NOTE: This property is stored in XMP as the first item in the dc:creator array.ProperName
tiff:BitsPerSampleNumber of bits per component in each channel.Ordered array of Integer
tiff:CompressionCompression scheme. 1 = Uncompressed , 6 = JPEGClosed Choice of Integer
tiff:CopyrightCopyright information as an ASCII string. NOTE: This property is stored in XMP as dc:rights.Language Alternative
tiff:DateTimeDate and time when the file was last modified (no time zone in EXIF), stored in ISO 8601 format, not the original EXIF format. This property includes the value for the EXIF SubSecTime(37520, 0x9290) attribute. NOTE: This property is stored in XMP as xmp:ModifyDate.Date
tiff:ImageDescriptionThe title of the image as an ASCII string. NOTE: This property is stored in XMP as dc:description.Language Alternative
tiff:ImageLengthImage height in pixels.Integer
tiff:ImageWidthImage width in pixels.Integer
tiff:MakeManufacturer of recording equipment as an ASCII string.ProperName
tiff:ModelModel name or number of equipment as an ASCII string.ProperName
tiff:OrientationOrientation. 1 = 0th row at the top,0th column at left, 2 = 0th row at the top,0th column at right, 3 = 0th row at the bottom,0th column at right, 4 = 0th row at the bottom,0th column at left, 5 = 0th row at the left,0th column at top, 6 = 0th row at the right,0th column at top, 7 = 0th row at the right,0th column at bottom, 8 = 0th row at the left,0th column at bottomClosed Choice of Integer
tiff:PhotometricInterpretationPixel Composition. 2 = RGB, 6 = YCbCrClosed Choice of Integer
tiff:PlanarConfigurationData layout. 1 = chunky, 2 = planarClosed Choice of Integer
tiff:PrimaryChromaticitiesChromaticity of the three primary colors.Ordered array of Rational
tiff:ReferenceBlackWhiteReference black and white point values.Ordered array of Rational
tiff:ResolutionUnitUnit used for XResolution and YResolution. Value is one of 2 = Inches, 3 = CentimetersClosed Choice of Integer
tiff:SamplesPerPixelNumber of components per pixel.Integer
tiff:SoftwareSoftware or firmware used to generate image. NOTE: This property is stored in XMP as xmp:CreatorTool.AgentName
tiff:TransferFunctionTransfer function for image described in tabular style with 3 * 256 entries.Ordered array of Integer
tiff:WhitePointChromaticity of white point.Ordered array of Rational
tiff:XResolutionHorizontal resolution in pixels per unit.Rational
tiff:YResolutionVertical resolution in pixels per unit.Rational
tiff:YCbCrCoefficientsMatrix coefficients for RGB to YCbCr transformation.Ordered array of Rational
tiff:YCbCrPositioningPosition of chrominance vs. luminance components. 1 = centered, 2 = co-sitedClosed Choice of Integer
tiff:YCbCrSubSamplingSampling ratio of chrominance components. [2,1] = YCbCr4:2:2, [2,2] = YCbCr4:2:0Ordered array of Integer