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To dynamically insert a chart in the document, add the chart as placeholder and edit the chart and excel data.

How It Works

To insert a chart in the document, add the chart as a placeholder in the document template. The chart placeholder is transformed into a chart in the output document by providing the chart data in the input JSON data. The following types of graphs are supported:

  • Line
  • Column
  • Pie

Steps to add chart in the document:

  • Open your Word document and place the cursor where you want the chart to appear.
  • Go to the “Insert” tab on the Ribbon.
  • Click on “Chart” in the Illustrations group.
  • Choose the type of chart you want from the list (e.g. column, line, pie) and click “OK”.
  • An Excel spreadsheet will open with sample data. Replace this data with your own tags.
  • Close the Excel window once you’ve entered your data. The chart in Word will update automatically.

Edit chart data in Excel

Line Chart

Steps to insert a line chart in the document:

  • Add the line chart as a placeholder in the document template.

Placeholder for line chart

  • Edit the chart data in the Excel by right click on chart and select "Edit Data in Excel".

Edit chart data in Excel

JSON representation of the input data:

Copied to your clipboard
"Title": "Sales Data",
"sales": [
"quarter": "Q1",
"phone": 3800,
"tablet": 2450
"quarter": "Q2",
"phone": 4300,
"tablet": 2700
"quarter": "Q3",
"phone": 5100,
"tablet": 3150
"quarter": "Q4",
"phone": 6000,
"tablet": 3600

Output chart in document after processing.

Output of line chart in document

Column Chart

Steps to insert a column chart in the document:

  • Add the column chart as a placeholder in the document template.

Placeholder for column chart

  • Edit the chart data in the Excel by right click on chart and select "Edit Data in Excel".

Edit chart data in Excel

JSON representation of the input data:

Copied to your clipboard
"Title": "Vehicle Sales Data",
"sales": [
"month": "July",
"EV": 700000,
"ICE": 1500000
"month": "August",
"EV": 750000,
"ICE": 1450000
"month": "September",
"EV": 800000,
"ICE": 1400000
"month": "October",
"EV": 850000,
"ICE": 1350000

Output chart in document after processing.

Output of line chart in document

Pie Chart

Steps to insert a pie chart in the document:

  • Add the pie chart as a placeholder in the document template.

Placeholder for pie chart

  • Edit the chart data in the Excel by right click on chart and select "Edit Data in Excel".

Edit chart data in Excel

JSON representation of the input data:

Copied to your clipboard
"Title": "Car Sales by Quarters",
"carSales": [
"quarter": "1st Qtr",
"value": 1500
"quarter": "2nd Qtr",
"value": 2000
"quarter": "3rd Qtr",
"value": 1800
"quarter": "4th Qtr",
"value": 2200

Output chart in document after processing.

Output of pie chart in document

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