A NAME is a pairing of a namespace and a local name. It must be handled internally in such a way that when read through the API the namespace is mapped to the current prefix. For example, if at the time of reading the current prefix to URI mapping is:
myapp -> http://mycorp.com/myapp
then a NAME with fully qualified form
would be returned as the string:
If the namespace were later remapped to
yourapp -> http://mycorp.com/myapp
then the value returned would be the string
Note however, that how the NAME value is stored internally is up to the implementation, as long as dynamic remapping is supported.
NAME properties are used for recording values such as node type names (see 6.7.5 Special Properties jcr:primaryType and jcr:mixinTypes) that must respect namespace mappings.
Upon save, a NAME property is validated according to two criteria:
The prefix specified (if any) must be currently mapped to a registered namespace (see 6.3 Namespaces).
The syntax of the string specified must conform to the following EBNF:
name ::= simplename | prefixedname
simplename ::= onecharsimplename |
twocharsimplename |
prefixedname ::= prefix ':' localname
localname ::= onecharlocalname |
twocharlocalname |
onecharsimplename ::= (* Any Unicode character except:
'.', '/', ':', '[', ']', '*',
''', '"', '|' or any whitespace
character *)
twocharsimplename ::= '.' onecharsimplename |
onecharsimplename '.' |
onecharsimplename onecharsimplename
onecharlocalname ::= nonspace
twocharlocalname ::= nonspace nonspace
threeormorecharname ::= nonspace string nonspace
prefix ::= (* Any valid XML Name *)
string ::= char | string char
char ::= nonspace | ' '
nonspace ::= (* Any Unicode character except:
'/', ':', '[', ']', '*',
''', '"', '|' or any whitespace
character *)