8.5.5 Query Results
Results are returned in the same structure as with XPath queries. See 6.6.3 Structure of a Query and 6.6.12 Query Results.
1 Unless otherwise noted, all references to “objects” refer to instances of Java classes implementing the indicated Java interface from the javax.jcr package. For example, the term “Repository object” means an instance of a class implementing the interface javax.jcr.Repository.
3 A few Node methods act immediately on the persistent workspace and do not require save. See 7.1 Writing Repository Content for details.
4 See http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-0/#ListDt for more information about the XML Schema list type.
5 This escaping scheme is based on the scheme described in ISO/IEC 9075-14:2003 for converting arbitrary strings into valid XML element and attribute names.
6 See http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/WD-xpath20-20050404/#doc-xpath-StringLiteral for details.
7 See http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-0/#ListDt for more information about the XML Schema list type.
8 This is a minimal requirement. The referenced node may have additional mixin node types other than that indicated (and in fact, by definition, it must have at least mix:referenceable, for example). In addition it may be of a node type that is a subtype of the type indicated by the constraint.
9 Workspace.restore, Node.restore (all signatures) and Node.restoreByLabel.
10 There is also a variant, Node.restoreByLabel, which allows the version to be selected by (one of) its jcr:versionLabel value; otherwise, the semantics are the same.
11 Workspace.restore, Node.restore (all signatures) and Node.restoreByLabel.