On checkin of N, the node VN will get a subnode of type nt:versionedChild with the same name as C. The single property of this node, jcr:childVersionHistory is a REFERENCE to the version history of C (not to C or any actual version of C). This also requires that C itself be versionable (otherwise it would not have a version history). If C is not versionable then the behavior of COPY applies on checkin, however the recursive copy terminates at each versionable node encountered further below in the subtree, at which points the standard VERSION behavior is again followed.
Name jcr:childVersionHistory
RequiredType REFERENCE
ValueConstraints ["nt:versionHistory"]
DefaultValues null
AutoCreated true
Mandatory true
OnParentVersion ABORT
Protected true
Multiple false
On restore of VN, if the workspace currently has an already existing node corresponding to C’s version history and the removeExisting flag of the restore is set to true, then that instance of C becomes the child of the restored N.
If the workspace currently has an already existing node corresponding to C’s version history and the removeExisting flag of the restore is set to false then an ItemExistsException is thrown.
If the workspace does not have an instance of C then one is restored from C’s version history. The workspace in which the restore is being performed will determine which particular version of C will be restored. This determination depends on the configuration of the workspace and is outside the scope of this specification.
In the case of properties, an OnParentVersion attribute of VERSION has the same effect as COPY.