A PATH property is an ordered list of path elements. A path element is a NAME plus an with optional index. When read, the fully qualified NAMEs within the path are mapped to their current prefix and the result is returned as a string. A path may be absolute or relative. For example, given the namespace mapping
myapp -> http://mycorp.com/myapp
a PATH property value with fully qualified form
would be returned as the string
If the namespace were later remapped to
yourapp -> http://mycorp.com/myapp
then the value returned would be the string
Note however, that how the PATH value is stored internally is up to the implementation, as long as dynamic remapping is supported.
A common use for PATH properties is likely to be the storage of paths to other items in the workspace. However the repository does not enforce referential integrity (unlike in the case of REFERENCE properties, see Reference); a PATH property may specify a location where no item exists.
Upon save, a PATH property is validated according to two criteria:
All prefixes specified must be currently mapped to registered namespaces (see 6.3 Namespaces).
The syntax of the string specified must conform to the following EBNF:
path ::= properpath ['/']
properpath ::= abspath | relpath
abspath ::= '/' relpath
relpath ::= pathelement | relpath '/' pathelement
pathelement ::= name | name '[' number ']' | '..' | '.'
number ::= /* An integer > 0 */
name ::= simplename | prefixedname
simplename ::= onecharsimplename |
twocharsimplename |
prefixedname ::= prefix ':' localname
localname ::= onecharlocalname |
twocharlocalname |
onecharsimplename ::= (* Any Unicode character except:
'.', '/', ':', '[', ']', '*',
''', '"', '|' or any whitespace
character *)
twocharsimplename ::= '.' onecharsimplename |
onecharsimplename '.' |
onecharsimplename onecharsimplename
onecharlocalname ::= nonspace
twocharlocalname ::= nonspace nonspace
threeormorecharname ::= nonspace string nonspace
prefix ::= (* Any valid XML Name *)
string ::= char | string char
char ::= nonspace | ' '
nonspace ::= (* Any Unicode character except:
'/', ':', '[', ']', '*',
''', '"', '|' or any whitespace
character *)
Note that the method Property.getNode() which resolves a REFERENCE property and returns the referenced node does not work with PATH properties (see Reference). PATH properties may point to properties (not just referenceable nodes) or to nothing at all. In order to use a PATH to retrieve an item, the PATH's value must be retrieved and then used in a regular getItem, getNode or getProperty call.