8.3 Observation

A compliant content repository may support observation. This feature enables applications to register interest in events that describe changes to a workspace, and then monitor and respond to those events. The observation mechanism dispatches events when a persistent change is made to the workspace.

Whether a particular implementation supports observation can be determined by querying the repository descriptor table with Repository.getDescriptor("OPTION_OBSERVATION_SUPPORTED") (a return value of true indicates support for observation, see Repository Descriptors).

Note that (in those repositories that support transactions) in the case of changes made within a transaction, the corresponding events will only be dispatched upon commit of the transaction, whereas in the case of changes made outside a transaction the events will be dispatched upon save (or immediately in the case of direct-to-workspace methods). See 8.3.4 Event Production.

An object implementing the Event interface represents an event generated by a repository. It also contains the constants representing the five event types.




Returns the type of this event. A constant defined by in this interface. One of NODE_ADDED, NODE_REMOVED, PROPERTY_ADDED, PROPERTY_REMOVED and PROPERTY_CHANGED.



Returns the absolute path of the item associated with this event. The interpretation given to the returned path depends upon the type of the event:

  • If the event type is NODE_ADDED then this method returns the absolute path of the node that was added.

  • If the event type is NODE_REMOVED then this method returns the absolute path of the node that was removed.

  • If the event type is PROPERTY_ADDED then this method returns the absolute path of the property that was added.

  • If the event type is PROPERTY_REMOVED then this method returns the path of the property that was removed.

  • If the event type is PROPERTY_CHANGED then this method returns the absolute path of the changed property.

A RepositoryException is thrown if an error occurs.



Returns the user ID connected with this event. This is the string returned by getUserID of the session that caused the event.



An event of this type is generated when a node is added.



An event of this type is generated when a node is removed.



An event of this type is generated when a property is added.



An event of this type is generated when a property is removed.



An event of this type is generated when the value of a property is changed.