Item Status
This specification provides the following methods on Item for determining whether a particular item has pending changes (isModified) or constitutes part of the pending changes of its parent (isNew).
javax.jcr. |
boolean |
isNew() Returns true if this is a new item, meaning that it exists only in transient storage on the Session and has not yet been saved. Within a transaction, isNew on an Item may return false (because the item has been saved) even if that Item is not in persistent storage (because the transaction has not yet been committed). Note that in level 1 (that is, read-only) implementations, this method will always return false. |
boolean |
isModified() Returns true if this Item has been saved but has subsequently been modified through the current session and therefore the state of this item as recorded in the session differs from the state of this item as saved. Within a transaction, isModified on an Item may return false (because the Item has been saved since the modification) even if the modification in question is not in persistent storage (because the transaction has not yet been committed). Note that in level 1 (that is, read-only) implementations, this method will always return false. |