8.5.3 SQL EBNF

Terminals are in bold or in single quotes.

query ::= select [from] [where] [orderby]

select ::= SELECT ('*' | proplist )

from ::= FROM ntlist

where ::= WHERE whereexp

orderby ::= ORDER BY propname [DESC|ASC]

{',' propname [DESC|ASC]}

proplist ::= propname {',' propname}

ntlist ::= ntname {',' ntname}

whereexp ::= propname op value |

propname IS NULL |

propname IS NOT NULL |
value IN propname |
like |

contains |
whereexp AND whereexp |
whereexp OR whereexp |
NOT whereexp |
'(' whereexp ')'

op ::= '='|'>'|'<'|'>='|'<='|'<>'

propname ::= joinpropname | simplepropname

joinpropname ::= quotedjoinpropname |

quotedjoinpropname ::= ''' unquotedjoinpropname '''

unquotedjoinpropname ::= ntname '.jcr:path'

simplepropname ::= quotedpropname | unquotedpropname

quotedpropname ::= ''' unquotedpropname '''

unquotedpropname ::= /* A property name, possible a pseudo-property: jcr:score or jcr:path */

ntname ::= quotedntname | unquotedntname

quotedntname ::= ''' unquotedntname '''

unquotedntname ::= /* A node type name */

value ::= ''' literalvalue ''' | literalvalue

literalvalue ::= /* A property value (in standard string
form) */

like ::= propname LIKE likepattern [ escape ]

likepattern ::= ''' likechar { likepattern } '''

likechar ::= char | '%' | '_'

escape ::= ESCAPE ''' likechar '''

char ::= /* Any character valid within the
string representation of a value
except for the characters % and _
themselves. These must be escaped */

contains ::= CONTAINS(scope ',' searchexp ')'

scope ::= unquotedpropname | '.'

searchexp ::= ''' exp '''

exp ::= [-]term {whitespace [OR] whitespace [-]term}

term ::= word | '"' word {whitespace word} '"'

word ::= /* A string containing no whitespace */

whitespace ::= /* A string of only whitespace*/