If we wish to add a new “shape” to our product information, we might do it like this:
Node productsNode = root.getNode("products");
Node triangleNode = productsNode.addNode("triangle");
Node contentNode = triangleNode.addNode("jcr:content");
contentNode.setProperty("myapp:title", "Triangle: an
economical choice");
contentNode.setProperty("myapp:price", 50);
contentNode.setProperty("myapp:lead", "Triangles have
three sides, but they're not always
This would add the new node triangle below the products node and add to triangle's jcr:content node the properties myapp:title, myapp:price and myapp:lead with the specified values.
As another example, suppose we wish to iterate through a collection of strings and add each as a new paragraph under the node triangle/jcr:content. In that case, we might do the following:
Node contentNode = triangleNode.getNode("jcr:content");
for (Iterator i = strings.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
String text = (String) i.next();
Node paraNode = contentNode.addNode("paragraph"); paraNode.setProperty("text", text);
For each string retrieved from strings a new node is created called paragraph which is given a new property called text, which, in turn, is assigned the retrieved string.